Understanding fight-or-flight in dogs

When something startles or scares you, what’s your instinct? Do you flee as fast as your legs will carry you? Do you swing a punch before you can think twice? Or do you scream? These are all instinctive behaviors–and we all have different instinctive responses based...

Positive Reinforcement Dog Training Tools

Here’s what you need–and what you definitely do NOT need–to train your dog with positive reinforcement! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.  An important note before we get started: I do not recommend aversive tools. Ever. Inflicting pain is never...

Should I crate train my dog?

It seems like an innocent enough question: Should I crate train my dog? Or is there another option? Well, do a deep dive into social media, and you’ll discover a lot of HOT opinions on this topic. But, you know me, so you know we’re going to tackle this logically and...

Incidental Learning in Dogs

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? You’re heading out to a restaurant to meet some friends. You’re on the phone with your mom talking over the plans and you accidentally say, “We’re going to grab dinner.” At the word “dinner,” your dog leaps to her feet and...
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