There is nothing worse than seeing two stripes appear on a heartworm test. Positive. The owner stares in disbelief and then we have to ask the question that we already know the answer to – has your dog been on preventative year-round? Years ago, pet owners only used heartworm preventative during the summer months when “mosquitoes” were visible. Why would your dog become heartworm positive in the winter when there are no mosquitos around?
The answer is simple. Year-round preventative is recommended due to the “warm winters” we have, it will keep the pet owner in the habit of a monthly dose, but most importantly, the preventative kills the larval stage while it is migrating thru the body – therefore preventing a positive result in the spring time when tested. Preventative also prevents intestinal parasites which are present year round.

Tail Waggers 1990 is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization that is based out of Livonia, Michigan. For over 30 years, the Tail Waggers’ name has been recognized in the community for offering assistance to animals in need.
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