As we move toward the end of our anniversary year I’m continuing to think about what has made Old Dog Haven so successful in helping old dogs during the past twenty years, and this month the immediate thought that comes to mind is: Our Donors!

Since we don’t receive any state or federal financial assistance we depend on donations to fund our mission. We couldn’t possibly do what we do without the financial help of our generous and loyal donors. And, our donors are not only from all over the U.S. but Europe as well; people all over the world read about us and want to help our dogs.

When I talk about donors I’m not talking about large organizations or big companies that offer grants and money to nonprofits. I’m talking about individuals like a woman in Minnesota who has donated $5 per month to us since Old Dog Haven was born in 2004. Our donors are people who believe in our heart work and think it’s important. Our donors are people who read about what we do on our website and newsletters and want to be of help. Our donors are people who understand how important it is to take care of the canine seniors in our world and who believe, as we do, that old dogs don’t belong in shelters.

The loyalty shown by our donors over the years is truly impressive. During the COVID years donors would contact us and ask if we were ok and had enough money to continue to help the old dogs. When times get tough financially our donors still find a way to help our dogs. People who have had to give up a beloved dog because of changing family dynamics pay it forward by donating to Old Dog Haven because we were able to help them re-home their dog. Families of people who have died or had to move to a care facility where dogs aren’t welcome contact us for help and then in turn make a donation to us. People leave a bequest to us when they die, and amazingly enough, sometimes the bequest comes from someone who had no connection to ODH but just believed in what we’re doing.

All of our donors receive personal thank-you notes, and often, they will write back to us telling us how much they appreciate the time taken to thank them, and that it’s their pleasure to help our dogs.

So, to all of our donors: It’s OUR pleasure to thank you. We love you for caring so much about our dogs and we appreciate your support and belief in our mission. Thank you! Thank you!



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