I’m interrupting my series of blogs about what makes Old Dog Haven so successful to focus on our big 20th anniversary party, which will happen in 6 days!

Old Dog Haven dog Punkin is enjoying her 20th birthday this year and she’d like you to help her celebrate this weekend at Old Dog Haven’s 20th Anniversary Party in the Park on Saturday, July 13 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Cromwell Park in Shoreline. Free admission.

Punkin is the spokes dog for our party because she’s the poster girl for ODH in so many ways, and she wouldn’t be celebrating any birthday at all in this life if it weren’t for Old Dog Haven. Here’s what her dog mom Diane says about her:

“She is my energizer bunny: The practically perfect Punkin. 20 years old, blind, deaf, only three legs, but she has the happiest disposition ever. Punkin is the sweetest girl. Nobody told her she’s 20 years old, and she enthusiastically seeks a warm lap, somebody to cuddle or an opportunity to bask in the sun. She came to ODH six years ago, matted so badly that her back leg had to be removed. She immediately embraced her new life with joy and overflowing love, and her 3-legged hop just added to her charm. Today she is slower, but she still loves all people, lap time and sun-worshiping. This is what ‘practically perfect’ looks like!”

Punkin Is a champion napper, but she’s also a wonderful ambassador for ODH; She loves to meet and greet people at events (You’ll have an opportunity to meet her at the party), and she also is in constant demand at the Read to a Rescue events where children who are shy about reading out loud to people are willing to read to dogs. Even though Punkin is deaf, she hears with her heart and that ability calms the children and they love having her close to them.

Please join Punkin and her friends on Saturday while you participate in the silent auction, enjoy vendor food, and join the activities at the party including costume and look-alike contests, and Lick Art. 1st and 2nd place prizes will be awarded to the top two winners in the costume and look-alike contests, as well as the top two fundraisers. Also there will be a book sale/signing by Ardeth De Vries with her latest book When I Grow Old I Will Wear Flowers: Thoughts About Senior Dogs. All proceeds from book sales will be donated to Old Dog Haven.

See our 20th Anniversary Party website here for more information about the event.





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