Last month we had a wonderful party in the park to celebrate our 20th anniversary. Our spokesdog, Punkin, in her last public appearance, charmed her fans at the party and has now gone on to her next expression of spirit. Thank you Punkin for being such a wonderful ambassador for ODH.

This month we return to our 20th anniversary series of blogs about what makes Old Dog Haven so successful.

Almost all of the dogs that come to us are in serious need of medical attention.  Many dogs haven’t been seen by a veterinarian in years, so there’s often a long list of problems. On average at least 50 dogs a week are seen by a veterinarian and our vet bills are usually over $150,000 per month.  I know that seems like a lot of money, but keep in mind that we typically have 300+ Final Refuge dogs living in foster homes, and most of them require regular vet visits.  Also, as is true of almost everything else these days, the cost of vet care has consistently increased over the years.

All vet bills and medical supplies are paid directly by Old Dog Haven, including any prescription diet food. 

It’s also important to know that the standard of care for our dogs is high. Many of our veterinarians are skilled, board certified specialists, so our dogs receive every opportunity available to them to heal and be well.

With the help of our vets, we do as much as we can to ensure quality of life, and to make our dogs feel content and comfortable as long as they’re with us.

We’re very fortunate that our veterinarians are not only skilled, but also compassionate, accessible and dedicated to doing everything they can to help our dogs. They always make time to see our dogs, and they support our mission with enthusiasm and loving care.

We appreciate our vets and thank them for their commitment to our dogs.





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