High School Senior Helps Senior Dogs Shine
Wed, 09/25/2024 – 21:04
A volunteer with local animal shelters and rescue groups, Helena “Laney” Drakulich, a rising senior in Livingston, NJ, says she “always sees senior dogs overlooked because people want puppies they view as younger and cuter.” But, Laney, pictured here with her 14-year-old dog, Millie, strongly believes, “Senior dogs are the best, and all dogs are cute!”So, when she decided to pursue the Girl Scout Gold Award, a project to make the world a better place, comparable to the Boy Scouts of America’s Eagle Scout honor, it was only natural that she chose to focus on the cause closest to her heart. “In my research about overcrowded shelters, I found out that senior dogs—age seven and older—are abandoned or surrendered more than other pets because people don’t want to take care of them or are unable to,” she said.“What makes Laney special is the passion she shows for these older dogs,” said Alexandra Tuorto, Vice President of Rosemarie’s Rescue Ranch, where Laney has been a volunteer for the past two years. “I work with many volunteers who are partial to puppies. But she marches to her own drum and has a mission to make a difference for those animals who may not have as long a life to live, but she wants it to be one they treasure.” Alexandra noted that Laney works alongside other volunteers at monthly adoption events where she socializes animals, holds their leashes and comforts them. She also volunteers at the group’s resale shop, helping to raise funds to support the care of rescued dogs.Since her project proposal was approved by the